Ontario Business immigration stream

If you are eager to go faster and more readily in comparison to the Canada federal programs, apply for immigration to Canada through one of the well-known and widely used Provincial Nominee Programmes (PNPs).

The Ontario PNP is the appropriate provincial program, however the Ontario Business Immigration Stream is the greatest provincial category to fulfill your ambitions of immigrating abroad.

Ontario Advantage

One of the best provinces in the country, Ottawa is home to the capital and is the wealthiest and most populated province. It offers abundant natural resources and commercial prospects for aspirational and deserving individuals like you.

Nation’s Top Mining Province

Speaking of resources, the province is a major producer of a number of precious metals, including nickel (of which Ontario is one of the world's top producers), copper, uranium, zinc, gold, iron ore, platinum, and silver.

This indicates that there are plenty of opportunities here for anyone eager to take advantage of the vast mining resources in the area. However, the province offers a lot more.

How else do you benefit from this?

👉First off, you'll be able to save money on some of your most significant business expenses here, which you can then use for further investments, advancement, and improvement.
👉You will pay less for workers of the highest caliber.
👉Compared to workers in any other OECD country, this workforce has higher levels of education.

The province has a higher post-secondary education rate than any other OECD country, with up to 68% of its adult population holding a post-secondary degree.

Ontario Business immigration stream

Use the Ontario Business immigration route provided by the Ontario PNP if you are a businessman with grand ambitions to immigrate abroad.

For individuals who are eager to live in Ontario and grow their firm abroad, the stream makes business immigration to the province easier. A quick-track PR path to Canada is the Ontario Entrepreneur Stream, also referred to as the Ontario Entrepreneur Programme and OINP Entrepreneur Stream.

It is designed to entice individuals who are eager to launch a new business venture or buy an established company in the province.


On the basis of a performance agreement, you will get a temporary work permit support letter if you are approved. This is what you'll need to establish your company in the province. Should you fulfill the necessary investment and job creation requirements outlined in the performance agreement, the OINP will nominate you for the status of permanent resident in the country.

The "Expression of Interest" model is used by the stream. An ITA is necessary before submitting the entire application.

Ontario Business immigration stream Requirements:

Investment, Net Worth & Experience Requirements for OINP Entrepreneur Stream

Requirement Description — Net worth for the planned business inside GTA
👉Prior to July 8, 2019 — $1.5 million
👉Post July 8 2019 — $800,000

Requirement Description — Net worth for the planned business outside GTA
👉Prior to July 8, 2019 — $800,000
👉Post July 8, 2019 — $400,000

Requirement Description — Net worth for the planned business in involved in Information Communications Technology or Digital Communications
👉 Prior to July 8, 2019 — $800,000
👉Post July 8, 2019 — $400,000

Requirement Description — Minimum investment for the planned business inside GTA
👉Prior to July 8, 2019 — $1 million
👉Post July 8, 2019 — $600,000

Requirement Description — Minimum investment for the planned business outside GTA
👉Prior to July 8, 2019 — $500,000
👉Post July 8, 2019 — $200,000

Requirement Description — Minimum investment for the planned business in involved in Information Communications Technology or Digital Communications
👉Prior to July 8, 2019 — $500,000
👉Post July 8, 2019 — $200,000

Requirement Description — Business experience as owner or senior manager
👉Prior to July 8, 2019 — 36 months inside the preceding 60 months
👉Post July 8 2019 — 24 months inside the previous 60 months

Please contact us if you need any assistance or direction with the Ontario Business Immigration Stream. We can be reached by phone or by clicking.

Summary: Move to Canada through the popular business route. Choose PNP option for the purpose and use Ontario Business immigration stream to get what you want in style and with speed.